Slow Country is a thrilling action drama movie packed with appropriate suspense. Kome (Ivie Okujaiye), a single mother, was forced into prostitution and the illegal drug trade by a cold, heartless gangster, Tuvi (Sambasa Nzeribe). Seven years into Kome's ordeal, fate brought her back to her son's father, and she found out it was a whole misunderstanding that kept them apart. They decided to move on together, but that's at a cost to Tuvi, and he wasn't going to allow that, and all hell broke loose.
Slow Country is a genre that Screen Nollywood has yet to exploit. And though the shoot-out scene gets as e be, Eric Aghimien, the writer and director, seems to be setting a positive pace here. Nough Respect to the cast, which also includes Majid Michael.
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