A WAY BACK HOME is a movie with a damn good storyline but unfortunately did not play out well audio-visually; A man finds out that he is terminally ill and has a short time to live. Unable to confront his wife and daughter with the news, anticipating a major heartbreak, he decides to stage his exit by faking a ghastly accident that would then usher in his childhood friend to replace him. 

That's an intriguing storyline written by B.T Thomas and also directed by him. Perhaps a good cost-saving decision, but that resulted in some very poor acting skills especially with the lead female act, Reno played by Hallie Sunney. I really don’t know how to rate IK Ogbonna who played the Co-lead with Alex Ekubo, my advice though is that he should not use the end scene as part of his show reel.  For Alex, he needs to be mindful of his choice of roles. This is the second time bro! “Cameroun………...”  Make we jus lef am like that 

The movie also starred some old hands like Bimbo Manuel and Clem Ohameze but nothing from their valued experiences could save this movie from a 'thumbs down' 


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