The story follows Hauwa, a struggling graduate working as a food delivery girl, who eagerly seizes the chance to become the driver for young executive Yomi (Nze). Despite being somewhat assertive, Hauwa is diligent and dedicated to her job. She soon discovers that Yomi is secretly battling a rare disease, a fact he has concealed from his colleagues. When Yomi realises that Hauwa knows his secret, he fires her, but desperation drives her back to his doorstep, where she promises to keep his condition confidential.
While Chy Nwankama delivers a brilliant performance as Hauwa, her portrayal of Yomi’s lover in the later part of the film lacks conviction. Oddly enough, her personality and physique fit the hard-working role well but don’t seem an ideal match for Yomi in the romantic aspect. Putting it in real terms, people like Jessica, the receptionist (played by Omeche Oko), can be going around saying, “Don’t mind the foolish man; he married his driver.”
Produced by Blessing Jessica Obasi and directed by Harry Dorgu, Driving Mr. Banks is a well-written and intriguing romantic drama. Despite its low budget, the lead actors deliver notable performances, bringing the compelling storyline to life.
Recommended to watch @accelarate studios on Youtube
- Jimi D Baldheaded Guy