The various 'Highest Grossing Box Office' ratings for directors, writers, DOPs, and editors compiled by Film One Entertainment for 2024 seem superfluous and misleading.

Although the criteria stated that “An editor/DOP/Director/Writer of one or more films released in 2024 and grossed over 20 million each as of the 31st of December 2024”, the ratings should have been confined strictly to the financial performance of the movies themselves. Any additional ratings for directors, DOPs, editors, or writers beyond the box office figures can be considered sensationalised, superfluous, and potentially misleading.

The appropriate method for inferring the creative team's success should directly align with the movie's position on the box office list. For instance, as Ajosepo ranks fifth on the highest-grossing box office list, it naturally follows that the associated director, DOP, writer, editor, and producer share in that recognition, reflective of the movie's standing.

However, complications arise when individuals are attributed ratings based on cumulative achievements across multiple films. For example, if an editor worked on two separate movies that are both highly successful at the box office, it is incorrect to aggregate the box office earnings of both films to ascribe a new, combined rating for the editor. Each movie should be evaluated on its own merits, and the professional's contributions should be recognised within the context of each film.

The 'Highest Grossing Box Office Editor' list shows a clear case of this misrepresentation. Editors Adeyemi Shomade and Kayode Aransiola were credited for their work on Farmer’s Bride, and All is Fair. Additionally, Shomade received a higher rating for his work on Aburo. However, since All is Fair and Aburo did not make the official list of highest-grossing movies, the ratings attributed to Shomade and Aransiola based on these films are inaccurate.

Understandably, they deserve to be recognised for their significant contributions, but it is crucial to restrict such acknowledgement to the films themselves, using standardised financial performance as the sole metric. Recognising individual contributions should be inherently tied to the film's success without artificially inflating ratings through cumulative achievements. This approach ensures clarity fairness, and reflects the industry's accomplishments.

The awards systems are better suited to celebrate the worth of these creative professionals more appropriately and accurately.

Jimi D Baldheaded Guy


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